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Jason Ranchoux


Jason Ranchoux is a Level IV Umpire and Provincial Umpire in Chief. 


With 35 years of experience in Softball as a Player, Coach, Association Executive, District Rep, and Umpire, Jason brings diverse perspectives to the role.

He has umpired at 4
 National Championships, the Canada Summer Games, and 1 Western Championship. Most recently, he was the District 9 Umpire in Chief. He achieved his Level IV working the 2019 U20 Men’s Nationals in Owen Sound, Ontario.


In his role as the PUIC, Jason holds The Chairperson postion on the Umpire Advisory Council. Within the PODC, he leads the planning and facilitating Advisory and Leadership meetings, as well as delegating tasks to fellow PODC members for effective program management.


Furthermore, he oversees the coordination of the Criminal Record Check program to ensure full compliance. Throughout the season, Jason maintains a daily check on clinic schedules and registrations, collaborates closely with the DUICs to guarantee proper staffing for all Provincials, and ensures that every umpire aligns with the Board's CRC Policy.



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